… A pictorial blend of historical and current events, places, and individuals associated with the Baha’i Faith – God’s latest gift to humanity

March 21, 2018

1975: Members of first Togo National Spiritual Assembly

The members of first National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Togo assemble with the Hand of the Cause of God Rahmatu'llah Muhajir, seated second from left. The Togo National Spiritual Assembly was elected at the first National Convention, April 1975. The members are, from left, Kawku Negble Attigah, vice chairman; Amevor Amernatchron; George Allen, secretary; and, standing, Yao Azikpati; Kodjo Honsou; Maylo Murday, treasurer; Komi Koussanta, assistant treasurer; Baban Soga Kamoe, assistant secretary; and Amru'llah Khelghati, chairman. 
(Baha'i News, October 1975)